Those Cosby Kids sure had fun learning lessons and playing in their junk band. When I think of all the found garbage I played with as a kid, I'm just glad I had all my shots.
--- Free Crap! ---
TV Party has the real lowdown on the show. A good read for any fan.
Here are some amazing production sketches and other bits from the original Fat Albert special, which I haven't yet had the chance to see. Argh.
This site has a couple of Fat Albert-related tracks originally from Cosby's live 1967 album "Revenge" up for download. I suggest you check 'em out.

Old Weird Harold
Fat Albert (Buck Buck)
And what would this party be without Herbie Hancock's classic theme song? Nothin'. That's what.
Haha! 5 minutes + hour-long "Grounded For Life" break + 8 minutes = New World Record! I am the greatest!
thatba isba reallyba suh-buh-weet-ba.
thanks for the links as well.
NICE! Have you ever worked in animation? I think you'd be great designeer.
Nice. I remember being pissed off when they stopped showing that show.
Great piece!
Nice stuff ya got here...
Great piece, man. Thanks for submitting and good luck.
Like school in summer.....
No class!
(beauty, sir spacesick .... beauty)
:P Busy!!! great post!!!is a great work :) keep it up!!!
thanks for the email
good set of colors.
your lines are become a thing of their own.
Well thanks, guys and guyettes! All of your comments have been sent to my fake-publisher to be printed on the back of new fake-book jacket. No take-backs.
No, I haven't worked in animation just yet, but here's hoping.
thanks for the kind words...and now giving me the chance to see your amazing work!!! cheers:)
Russell is absolutely adorable. I just want to hug him and squeeze him! His outfit reminds me of Paddington Bear.
Great links you post, too.
Nice Russell! I really dig the colors too!!
good stuff, i didnt get around to doing a fat albert drawing in the end.
oh well!!
Hey love the new post thank so much for the kind words hope your fine take care!!!
Thanks guys! I appreciate it. There were a lot of great entries to this thing last time I checked. I can't wait to see the rest.
In all the commotion I forgot to post an actual picture of the original character design. Oh well, I think we've all moved on by now.
lookin good as always space
first place...not too shabby
congrats and sweet pic
nice job on winning first place spacesick!! It looks like you had a blast with this piece and it shows on it. I love the backdrop and the linework! Goodjob!!
i'm sensing a little ohio nepotism here.
I was on www.drawn.ca yesterday, and they linked to this contest. As soon as the window opened I saw your piece and knew it was you. Congratulations, that's some mighty fine work right there!
Ah, Russell... I was always perplexed by the Cosby Kids as a, well, kid. The live action film did nothing to help me out.
Cool colors and design Spacesick!
nice job. hope you win!
Hey hey hey!
Sounded/looked like fun! Three weeks ago I actually met a guy who worked on those. I just about wet myself. Then I bought him a beer and suggested we go through some bins. He left.
Congrats on the win...
Thanks guys! I had a blast making it. I just wanted to join in to show my love for the show, and I wouldn't have guessed the outcome in a million-kajillion years.
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