I'm just posting this work in progress so I can feel like I accomplished something today. You can bet your ass that it'll be finished by Saturday, though. I kinda like this one, and I hope it hasn't been done before.
We apologize for the childish whimpering that once occupied this precious space. It was the sort of drivel that should be reserved for teenage girls' diaries, and so many unviewed LiveJournal pages.
Those responsible have been sacked.
In any event, here are some inspirational 80's classics to help you in your own training. And don't worry if you start to crap thunder, that's how ya know it's working! (mp3)
from Rocky III, Survivor - Eye of the Tiger
from Karate Kid, Joe "Bean" Esposito - You're The Best
and from Transformers: the Movie, Stan Bush - The Touch
If there's a premium Rapidshare user out there who would be interested in trading with me for a free account, I'd be ever so grateful. That way I could start posting some real high-quality shiz.
heh, dig dug AKA mr driller's dad!!
cool stuff!!
you've got nothing to worry about
Sick (if I can call you that)
I feel the same way- only recently I have been kicking my own ass- Studying anatomy, drawing inspiration from other people's work, and experimenting with different media-
It's all about you. If You want to do more work, different work- then do it.
Frazetta and Wally Wood- had better drawing skills at age 14 then I have now- but does that bother me? No.
I do my own thing, take my own path
etc. (insert inspirational cliche')
Looking forward to the drawings, or paintings or sculptures of pumpernickeled bread...whatever.
Mister. That's the most healthy attitude that you could have. Frankly: That's what makes a good designer/illustrator. U can never be satisfied! But I can assure u: u got that spark ;o) I dunno how old u are but I can tell that you are very sensitive in setting and posing your characters.
I have that deprived feeling once in a while too, and always then I'm working the whole night, learning new techniques and stuff, and it's always been getting better. I've been trying to post animation for ages but it won't work somehow... huh... I try on.
Cheers from Snow-Wonder-Land Munich.
another thought-
You could create projects for yourself with informal deadlines, do another threadless submition, try out the SCBWI contests, join some drawing board threads/ or IF.
or look on-line at art schools and download a sample syllabus for project ideas- or do some fan art for the Ricky Gervais Podcast:)
I guess I missed all the hullaballub. Two things:
1)Todays image is AWESOME.
2)Those three songs are on permanant loop on my Xbox360 while I play Fight Night: Round 3
:) 'The Touch' is like, my favoritest song of all times. I always listen to the Transformers Soundtrack when I need inspiration to draw. It puts me through such an emotional ringer. I remember bawling my eyes out way back when, when the decepticons were mass-slaughtering all the autobots on that ship...
I even used 'The Touch' to make an Anime Music Video for the boxing anime 'Hajime No Ippo'. I'll post a link here if I can find a place to put it up.
Christ, guys. You're right. Even dr. ono. I hope not too many people saw that. Let's just pretend like I was totally wasted and drunk-dialed my ex-girlfirend, the internet. You say stupid things when that happens. I know I'm progressing along nicely, so I don't know what that was all about. It was just a momentary lapse of bad-ass.
Maybe it's just because this season of Project Runway is almost over, and I'm worried that I'll have nothing to watch on Wednesdays! Oh God!!! What will I have to look forward to every week?! Network programming? I think not.
Frazetta is the real kicker. When I first saw those comic strips, I was floored.
This never happened. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Here's the link to my pump-you-up inspirational video, which works better if you've actually seen the show, but hopefully doesn't completely fall apart if you've never heard of it.
z0mbi - Hell yeah! All of those songs are classic. Last year I made a party CD of just 80's movies songs like that as a goof and it ruled (for those in the know). Everyone who loved those movies as a kid can't help but get pumped up when they hear 'em.
Of course it opened with The Touch.
Ha! I'm not familiar with the show, but that rocked. I like how you kept some of the sound effects in there too.
Maybe tomorrow I'll upload some more killer 80's stuff from my own collection, instead of just posting low-quality songs I found on the net.
Hey thanks for posting on my blog. Not so much for the nice comment, but because it got me to check out your stuff which I like very much. I have an 80's video game fetish myself. Your Donkey Kong Jr kicks ass!
that little space kid is awesome! I'm always impressed with illustrations that use so few lines and accomplish so much! That gesture and form is truly inspiring!
Thanks guys!
Don't worry, ono. Not only have I enjoyed each and every one of your posts, I've also printed all of them out and pasted them in a great big scrapbook that says "Precious Memories" on the cover.
Keep 'em coming, because I don't know what else I'm going to do with all this glitter.
dayam, did i miss some good ol' fashioned "tortured artist" whining? cuz i have a few of my own. but then i play "you're the best" in my head and it all goes away. your posting of the song is a total freak coincidence btw.
keep on rockin' the ol skool gamer art. me digs a lot.
I love that pack-man is chasing them, so on monday will you post the final virson?
Dear Mr. Spacesick,
1) Love the Dig Dug.
2) Would miss the childish whimpering if it were ever to disappear.
3) Just did 50 push-ups, 75 stomach crunches, and 50 pull-ups while listening to "Eye of the Tiger".
Your Pal,
p.s. #3 is a lie; I read comics, watch cartoons, and eat Hostess snack-cakes all day.
this is so fresh very dope I love this game back in the day love the twist and thanks so much for the kind words and link I'll be sure to return it keep it HOT!!!
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