Holy hell! Look at that incredible list of names! Kevin Tong, Guy Burwell, Jeff Kleinsmith, Nick Derington, Jim Mahfood, Jay Ryan, Craig "Fucking" McCracken, and... Spacesick? That's gotta be a typo.
No, it's true! I was one of 8 peeps invited to be a part of this year's
Nakatomi Invitational at the completely awesome Nakatomi, Inc. I'm so honored and excited it's SICK. You may ask, "Mitch, how in Crom's name were you lucky enough to even be mentioned in the same SENTENCE as these talented people?", and all I can say is "Hey, screw you too, buddy."
Read all about it here!This year's theme is Robots, and each month a new limited edition T-shirt/poster combo will be released. Now dig THIS: you have the option of getting yourself the T-shirt for $20, the poster for $30, or BOTH for just $40. That's awesome! And each of the artists' prints and shirts are limited to just
100 each, so you know you're getting something special.
Kevin Tong's
amazing design became available today, as well as the option to go for the whole shebang at once and purchase one of the extremely limited
Series 2 Subscriptions for $300- only
10 of which will be sold. If you're a bad enough dude or dudette to afford something that epic, I suggest you drop your NES controller right now and hop to it before they all sell out!
P.S. - I'm not reading any of that