It scored in at a very Samuel L. Jackson 1.87 out of 5. I had no illusions that it would get printed anyway, so I can't complain. I think I'll go watch Addams Family Values now. Fun!

Sorry if you checked back looking for some art anytime in the last... week and a half?! Jesus Christ, that's a long time!
It seems I just kept forgetting, though I did manage to put together a new shirt design for over at Threadless a few days back. A real design this time, with some thought behind it, and actual drawings, and other silly stuff like that. I really should have posted it around and asked for some honest critiques before I sent it off, but I'm an idiot. In addition to the normal rat-race, it's also in the running for a contest called "Extra Tasty." Yum!

This probably didn't help me any either, but I sure laughed my ass off making it! And isn't that really all that matters in life? Oh wait- crap.
So go vote, if you're already a member. Hell, go register if you're not. I'll repay you with meaningless thanks and empty promises of a trip to the zoo. And as always, your thoughts on how to improve it are welcome. I wouldn't mind eventually being able to toss this in my portfolio.
I love this!
The ice cream and girl designs are excellent. Especially the ice cream sandwich cross (it brings up alot of tasty and disturbing imagery)
way to go:)
Very dope colour scheme and the action rocks great work !!!
well aren't you the cutest little thing?
seriously. i'm asking. aren't you?
Thanks dudes! Doesn't seem to be going over too well over there, but I really just did it for fun. And also to win the affection of Miss Christina Ricci.
wintermonkey - You know it. 4 out of 5 cheek-pinching ethnic grandmothers agree: I am just the cutest little thing.
You know how Threadless is... they're a fickle bunch. Anyway, I voted for your shirt and gave it the '$5' as the kids say.
Hilarious!! The idea is just great. I'd luv to have shirt of that.
What the...what is that one dude even talking about? The composition is fine. The people on that site are the sole reason why I won't put a design up. Buncha snobs.
OMG I had this wicked idea of getting Robert Smith, Tim Burton and Anne Rice to sit around and talk about ice crea.....oh wait, it's been done now. Love the drawing, I wish they really made treats like that.
I agree with wintermonkey, you are a little cutie patootie!
sweet! diggin it. i, too, enjoy laughing my ass while drawing. until i realize im not drawing, im flying. and im not laughing, im screaming.
LOVe those ice-cream design!! Minty would love those!! HE ! HE!! VEry cool girl character too!! .... Are they chocolate favour by any chance?
Mr. Spacesick,
You continue to inspire, razzle-dazzle, bewilder, and astonish me. And I thank you. (Sweet design!)
Glad you bring back to the monster cookie :P GREAT DESIGN I LOVE IT
You are very original The ice cream is cool and the girl too ;)!!!
I think you should make stickers of this and slap them all over convenience store freezers, and the sides of ice cream trucks. Just make sure to send me one as well.
Thanks alot guys! I can't wait to see what score this gets. Just a few more days.
$5...thats mad jokes too!
now you owe me an empty promise...
Wonderful! I love this :)
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