Should I be trying to impress people? Probably. Am I smart enough to only share finished pieces? No. Can the unbridled comedic electricity between
Highway to Heaven co-stars Michael Landon and Victor French ever be equaled? Only time will tell.

I'm going to bust out the Little Golden Books and see if I can teach myself to paint this sketch over the next couple of days. I sure hope I can. Adieu.

Love the shirt dude, will be casting my vote!!!
t-shirt sorry I mean the below post ;)
Thank you! ¡gracias! obrigado! grazie! danke! merci!
Frick. I'm interested to see what score the shirt actually ends up with. I will be happy if it's at least a 3.
Actually, I have no idea what would be regarded as an admirable score, so I'll just shut my trap for now.
Little Golden Books! Classic. I wish I still had my collection from when I was a kid, with their black patterned golden spines that all looked alike.
Love the t-shirt design as well. I tried voting through the link that you posted, but alas, the dumbass in me didn't realize that you have to be a member of Threadless in order to vote. At least that's what I'm guessing since it wouldn't accept my score.
To H-E-dubble-hockey-stix with the finished pieces. Do watcha want. It's your space...sometimes the retarded children are the most fun to be around.
People loved me as a kid...kept calling me 'retard!' then giggling. See?
Super Freak - Thanks for the effort! The dumbass in me also didn't realize that you had to be registered. Oh well, it's the thought that counts.
warren - I really need to start finishing things; I draw all day and I have nothing to show for it. I'm sure it would be pretty embarrassing for an art director to open my portfolio and find nothing but a box of animal crackers and a PEZ dispenser.
Or maybe that would show that I have balls. Do balls count in the industry?
You have point there. Carry on.
Balls count, but only Spaceballs or Madballs. There's more than enough of the other typessss...
ps thanks for the fuzzy vibe
btw, Le Petit M'sieu is nice! Can't wait to see what you do with it!
Even though I fought my first instinct of having him say "le petite oui-oui", this has still somehow degraded into talk of "balls and wee-wees".
I mean seriously, it's like I put in some terrible sexual joke at the last minute, but the final image is all that people actually know me as. What an ass!
It's settled. I declare, right here and now, that I shall go without cracking another (bad) naughty joke for the duration of a fortnight. Huzzah! The race is on!
warren - Thanks. Point taken.
ono - I think I left my Skeletor at your house. Don't break him.
A spacesick painting????
I'll check back to see that one.
How did the threadless design do?
Did you win?
awesome design !! Agree with everyone!! :)
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