"Halloween 1983" wakka wakka wakka!

FUCKIN A! girls and their boobs are a lot easier to draw when I actually have them in front of me. but when that happens, the only thing further from my mind than drawing is that episode of Saved By the Bell where the gang spends the night in a sporting goods store at the mall in order to be first in line for U2 tickets, but then gets tangled up with some shady characters in a wacky off-the-wall dash for cash that will keep you in stitches! shit, I wonder if that's on soon.
I'm not the best at drawing girls. I should really be doing it a lot more.

I JUST figured out how to upload pictures from my camera phone. I'm also trying to grow the coolest mustache and sideburns of all time, and maybe someday they'll even connect! oh boy! and even if they don't, at least I'm pretty.
dig the hot pink paint in my bedroom? yeah I bet you do.
the girls and their boobs are too intimidating to draw. i have the same problem. separating art and sex.
i can't believe how many posts you've been doing. congratulations. everything is all so wonderful. keep up the good work.
interesting stuff here :)
haha, except drawing the boobs part, idk, they may be fun to you.
i like the halloween drawing you should submit that, and nice choice of video at the end
can't wait to see this one finished!
The Pac Halloween is fantastic.
And as almost a sympathy side note.... my girls always turn out looking like really ugly guys.
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