Monday, June 08, 2009

Baron VonFunburger's® Haunted Castle Cavalcade at Threadless

Well! It took 3 months and about 7 versions to get this idea from the crazy little sketch it started out as to the beautiful colorful design it turned out to be, but it happened! And it happened because of all the amazing peeps in the Threadless Critique section who came out to help me with their thoughts and advice this go-around. So a big thanks to all of you guys! :D BIG thanks! Like a "would you like to Monster-Size™ your drink for only 35 cents more?" thanks. And another big thank you to Threadless for my second print! Awrooooooo! I'm excited, in case you couldn't tell.

Please pull forward to the next window to see where you can buy it! Or you could just click here, I guess. How cool is that turquoise color? :D

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