Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hey look! That one's got a cute little stripe on its head.

Hey look! That one's got a cute little stripe on its head.

Finally! The long lost second book in the "I Can Read Movies" Series! I've been looking for this baby for the longest time, you guys. And believe you me, I had to pay a pretty penny to get it in such good condition. *gently seals in protective UltraPro bag*

No but REALLY, this was going to be the second book ever- right after Space Jam. I just couldn't get a handle on it, so I moved on to Highlander. What an EXCITING story! :D And don't forget, you can see the entire series in its own easy-to-use gallery right here.

"You know there's some things I forgot to tell you guys... and they're really important."


diegooriani said...

Ow, another one! Quality dude.

Unknown said...

Love these covers. AND I love Gremlins. Though, really, if you think about it, that whole movie is way wack.

NURKIN said...

Brilliant. When will the book of covers be coming out...and what will the cover be?